Introductions Are In Order...

Hello there! My name is Brian Sommer, and I'm a Product Development Engineer... but also a Web Designer & Developer, a Mariner, and an aspiring Entrepreneur

Now that that's over with, welcome to my personal portfolio!

The focus of this website will be to provide my own outlook into the somewhat convoluted idea of a designer and examples of how I best fit into that classification.

“As I was taught: problem, known values, solution(s), answer.”

Solutions aren't always obvious when dealing with real problems. Life is fuzzy. As a result, a systematic approach to problem solving that encompasses a scientific methodology for testing assumptions is required. Problems need to be flexed into malleable solutions that solve for multiple design requirements. This is where I can help.

My areas of expertise are not just limited to calculations and CAD, but also aesthetic design, market research, programming, and manufacturability, among others.

As you browse my portfolio, please feel free to contact me with any suggestions or opportunities that you may have. My favorite thing to stamp on my works is:

“The content for this project is currently in a pre-proto state. Although all suggestions are not taken, all are appreciated”

Any idea, good or bad, should never be wasted.